Volume 3 | Issue 2 | Year 2024

Predictive Validity of a Neonatal Extubation Readiness Estimator in Preterm Neonates: A Retrospective, Pilot Analysis in an Inner-city Level-3 Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

Kulsajan S Bhatia1,2,3, Bushra Tehreem1,2, Faisal Siddiqui2, Rickey H Taing2, Colm Travers3, Murali M Gopireddy4, Sukhvinder Ranu1,2,5

1Department of Neonatology and Pediatrics, State University of New York (SUNY) – Downstate Health Sciences University, Brooklyn, New York, United States of America

2Department of Neonatology and Pediatrics, Kings County Hospital Center, Brooklyn, New York, United States of America

3University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama, United States of America

4International Planned Parenthood Foundation, South Asia Region, New Delhi, India

5Global Newborn Society, Clarksville, Maryland, United States of America (https://www.globalnewbornsociety.org/)

Corresponding Author: Sukhvinder Ranu, Department of Neonatology and Pediatrics, State University of New York (SUNY) – Downstate Health Sciences University, Brooklyn, New York; Department of Neonatology and Pediatrics, Kings County Hospital Center, Brooklyn, New York; Global Newborn Society, Clarksville, Maryland, United States of America (https://www.globalnewbornsociety.org/), Phone: +1 917-715-2883, e-mail: sukhvinder.ranu@nychhc.org

How to cite this article: Bhatia KS, Tehreem B, Siddiqui F, et al. Predictive Validity of a Neonatal Extubation Readiness Estimator in Preterm Neonates: A Retrospective, Pilot Analysis in an Inner-city Level-3 Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Newborn 2024;3(2):90–95.

Source of support: Nil

Conflict of interest: None

Received on: 18 April 2019; Accepted on: 20 May 2022; Published on: 21 June 2024


Background: Successful extubation of very-low-birth-weight (VLBW) infants supported with assisted ventilation is associated with lower rates of morbidity and a shorter hospital stay. In this article, we assessed the performance of an extubation readiness estimator (ERE) in VLBW infants.

Methods: We conducted a retrospective chart review including 64 intubated infants who were born at a gestational age of ≤30 weeks with a birth weight of ≤1500 gm. Our primary outcome assessed the performance of the ERE for the prediction of successful extubation using the area under the receiveroperating curve (AUROC).

Results: Fifty-three neonates were extubated successfully. Eleven of these infants had to be intubated again within 5 days of the first attempt. Forty infants had ERE scores <80%; 6 needed reintubation. Among 24 infants with ERE scores ≥80%, 5 required reintubation. The performance of the ERE tool in our population was poor (AUROC = 0.49; sensitivity 36%, and specificity 54%).

Conclusion: In our pilot study, an ERE-based approach to extubation of ventilated VLBW infants was deemed safe but could not accurately predict the transition to noninvasive ventilation. We are continuing to use clinical judgment-based extubation for now. Further studies are needed with more refined scales in larger cohorts.

Keywords: Extubation, Extubation readiness estimator, Fraction of inspired oxygen, Mean airway pressure, Neonate, Pilot study, Respiratory severity score, Spontaneous breathing test trials, Ventilation, Very-low birth weight.



Very-low birth weight (VLBW, birth weight ≤1500 gm) infants constitute a small proportion of births globally but contribute disproportionately to the burden of neonatal morbidity, mortality, and the cost of intensive care.13 These infants routinely require prolonged, invasive mechanical ventilation, which is associated with multiple comorbidities ranging from bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), hearing disorders, and require a prolonged need for parenteral nutrition, and hospital stay.4,5 Hence, successful early extubation is a crucial determinant in decreasing overall morbidity and mortality in VLBW neonates.

The timing of neonatal extubation is widely based on clinical judgment, which may involve consideration of various clinical parameters such as ventilator settings, blood gas analysis, physical examination, weight at birth and at the time of evaluation, and the overall clinical stability of the patient.6 There is a wide variation in protocols between various neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) for neonatal extubation throughout the world; some use unit-based guidelines, whereas others rely on spontaneous breathing test trials.7,8 As our ability to salvage ever-smaller infants improves, the need for optimized weaning protocols, methods to determine the best timing of extubation, and clear definition/criteria of extubation failure remains. In this context, we reviewed the predictive model developed by Gupta et al.9 to determine extubation readiness in extremely preterm infants. They have developed an ERE scale for easy guidance.

In this pilot study, we tested this aforementioned ERE scale for safety and reliability to assess extubation readiness of VLBW infants who were being treated with assisted ventilation. Our thinking was that it showed promise, we will test it in larger studies and aim to eventually develop protocols to replace our current practice of extubation based on subjective, clinical assessment of their readiness. We also explored the significance of additional parameters associated with successful extubation, morbidities associated with failed extubation, and the correlation between the mode of respiratory support after extubation and failure or success.


We conducted a retrospective chart review including all intubated infants gestational age <30 weeks with a birth weight ≤1500 gm, who were admitted to our level-3 inner-city NICU during the period between January 2016 and December 2020 and extubated within the first 60 days. The parameters of the original Gupta ERE were recorded.9 To minimize confounding factors, infants with major congenital malformations and those intubated for elective surgical procedures were excluded. The local institutional ethics board approved this retrospective analysis and exempted the need for informed consent.

We recorded demographic variables including maternal and neonatal characteristics. Maternal data included prolonged premature rupture of membranes, gestational diabetes mellitus, gestational hypertension, preeclampsia, histopathologically confirmed chorioamnionitis, and administration of antenatal steroids. Neonatal variables included birth weight, gestational age, age at extubation, ventilator settings, preextubation blood gas results, respiratory severity score (RSS) at 6 hours after birth [mean airway pressure (MAP) × fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2)], surfactant administration, caffeine use, and weight at extubation. Other morbidities such as spontaneous intestinal perforation (SIP), necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), late-onset sepsis, ROP ≥stage 2, and chronic lung disease/bronchopulmonary dysplasia (CLD/BPD) [National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) classification] were compared in two groups formed based on different ERE scores. Similar to the original ERE study, an extubation attempt was recommended for a score with ≥80% probability of success whereas extubation was not recommended for a score <80% (Table 1).9

Table 1: Comparison of maternal risk factors, neonatal variables, and outcomes in reintubation vs successful extubation groups
Variable Neonatal extubation estimator probability score (<80%) Neonatal extubation estimator probability score (>80%)
ReintubationN = 6 (%) Successful extubationN = 34 (%) p-value ReintubationN = 5 (%) Successful extubationN = 19 (%) p-value
Caffeine use 6 (100%) 34 (100%) NA 5 (100%) 19 (100%) NA
Prenatal steroids 5 (83%) 30 (88%) 0.738 5 (100%) 17 (89%) 0.449
Surfactant use 6 (100%) 32 (94%) 0.542 5 (100%) 19 (100%) NA
NEC/SBP 2 (33%) 8 (23%) 0.054 0 2 (11%) 0.449
Late-onset sepsis 2 (33%) 5 (15%) 0.268 1 (20%) 3 (16%) 0.822
ROP stage 2 or greater 1 (17%) 11 (32%) 0.440 4 (80%) 4 (21%) 0.013
Chronic lung disease 6 (100%) 28 (82%) 0.264 5 (100%) 8 (42%) 0.021
Maternal PPROM 1 (17%) 11 (32%) 0.440 2 (40%) 2 (11%) 0.116
Gestational DM 0 0 NA 0 1 (5%) 0.600
Preeclampsia 1 (17%) 4 (12%) 0.738 1 (20%) 4 (21%) 0.959
Intra-amniotic infection 0 1 (2%) 0.671 1 (20%) 2 (11%) 0.569
DM, diabetes mellitus; NA, not applicable; NEC/SBP, necrotizing enterocolitis/spontaneous bowel perforation; PPROM, premature prolonged rupture of membranes

Our unit currently does not have set criteria for extubation; most neonates are extubated based on subjective clinical assessment, oxygen requirements, and ventilatory settings. Assessment for extubation readiness varies among neonatology care providers. After extubation, most infants receive noninvasive respiratory support with nasal continuous positive airway pressure (nCPAP), noninvasive mechanical ventilation (NIMV), or noninvasive neural-adjusted ventilatory assist (NAVA). For study purposes, extubation failure was defined as neonates requiring reintubation within 5 days postextubation for respiratory support.

Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), version 28.0 (IBM, USA) software was used to compare maternal and neonatal characteristics in both groups. Parameters such as caffeine use, steroid use, and RSS at 6 hours of life were compared using univariate and multivariate analyses. The association between risk factors and extubation failure was reported as odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) using the Chi-square test. Risk factors with a p < 0.1 were included and adjusted for in the multiple logistic regression model; p ≤ 0.05 was considered statistically significant. We produced receiver-operating characteristic curves and calculated the area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve (AUROC) as a measure of predictive probability for reintubation.


We studied a total of 105 infants with gestational age below 30 weeks and weight ≤1500 gm, who were intubated and received assisted ventilation during the study period. Forty-one intubated infants were excluded from the study because of death prior to extubation or the nonavailability of complete data. The remaining 64 neonates were assessed for the probability of successful extubation. Fifty-three neonates were extubated successfully, while 11 required reintubation within 5 days of the first attempt. Forty infants had an ERE score below 80% and 6 of them required reintubation. Twenty-four had an ERE score ≥80% and 5 required reintubation.

In those with an ERE score of below 80%, there was no significant difference in major morbidities among infants who were reintubated (Table 1). Gestational age was significantly lower among infants with an ERE score ≥80% who failed extubation, but the birth weight did not differ significantly. The incidence of CLD and ROP ≥ stage 2 was significantly higher among those reintubated who had the ERE score ≥80% (Table 2). Lower gestational age and RSS at 6 hours after birth were significant risk factors for reintubation (Table 3). The ERE model was not accurate in our sample (AUROC = 0.49; Fig. 1) and logistic regression indicated no significant utility in predicting reintubation. In our study, sensitivity and specificity at probability scores of ≥80% were 36 and 54%, respectively.

Table 2: Neonatal variables in reintubation vs successful extubation groups
Neonatal extubation estimator probability score Neonatal variables Reintubation N (mean ± SD) Total N = 11 Successful extubation N (mean ± SD)Total N: 53 p-value
Less than 80% Gestational age (weeks) 6 (24 ± 1) 34 (25 ± 1) 0.481
  Birth weight (gm) 6 (698 ± 154) 34 (738 ± 114) 0.459
More than 80% Gestational age (weeks) 5 (24 ± 3) 19 (28 ± 3) 0.012
  Birth weight (gm) 5 (752 ± 291) 19 (1012 ± 251) 0.058
SD, standard deviation
Table 3: Analysis of risk factors associated with reintubation
Variable Univariate analysis Multivariate analysis
ORs (95% CI) p-value Adjusted ORs (95% CI) p-value
Gestational age 0.66 (0.44–0.99) 0.049 0.78 (0.28–2.19) 0.648
Birth weight <1250 gm 0.997 (0.99–1.00) 0.129 0.99 (0.98–1.00) 0.384
Antenatal steroids 1.277 (0.13–11.8) 0.830 2.168 (0.07–65.66) 0.657
Maternal diabetes mellitus
Preeclampsia 1.25 (0.23–6.88) 0.798 1.413 (0.041–48.7) 0.848
Intra-amniotic infection
(confirmed placental pathology)
1.67(0.16–17.7) 0.672 1.2 (0.019–74.8) 0.931
Maternal PPROM 1.15 (0.23–05.00) 0.848 0.529 (0.043–6.51) 0.619
Surfactant use 0.99 0.99
Weight at extubation 1.001 (0.99–1.003) 0.570 1.002 (0.998–1.006) 0.391
RSS (first 6 hours) 1.67 (1.15–2.62) 0.004 3.19 (1.26–8.34) 0.018
Late-onset sepsis (culture positive) 2.1 (0.46–9.6) 0.34 0.31 (0.016–5.80) 0.430
ROP stage ≥2 2.1 (0.56–7.97) 0.27 0.58 (0.05–6.54) 0.660
Chronic lung disease 0.998 0.997

Fig. 1: Receiveroperating characteristic curve shows sensitivity and 1-specificity for the probability of reintubation

Of 34 neonates who were extubated successfully and had an ERE score below 80%, 8 were extubated to CPAP, 23 to NIMV, and 3 to NAVA. Out of six neonates who failed extubation in this group, two received support with bubble CPAP and four were placed on NIMV. In those with ERE ≥80%, 19 were successfully extubated; 9 received nCPAP and 10 were treated with NIMV. Among the five infants who failed extubation in this group, four were placed on NIMV and 1 on NAVA (Table 4).

Table 4: Weaning mode after extubation
Mode of respiratory support Neonatal extubation estimator probability score (<80%) Neonatal extubation estimator probability score (>80%)
Reintubation N = 6 Successful extubation N = 34 Reintubation N = 5 Successful extubation N = 19
Nasal CPAP 2 8 0 9
NIMV 4 23 4 10
NAVA 0 3 1 0


To our knowledge, this is the first study that evaluated the performance of a neonatal ERE in VLBW babies. This scale is based on demographic and clinical parameters are available to the authors; the analysis was adjusted following the first elective attempt, and included higher gestational age, chronologic age at extubation, higher blood gas pH before extubation, and lower preextubation FiO2, along with lower values for highest RSS in the first 6 hours after birth (as per the timing of RSS used in the original calculator).9 In our study, the ERE score using a cut-off of 80% did not accurately predict extubation success. It is possible that applying the ERE in clinical practice may have resulted in prolonged intubation and invasive mechanical ventilation in our population. These data differ from those of a different, previously reported cohort.10 There is a need for further studies in larger cohorts.

In our study, we have been able to successfully extubate neonates at a lower percentage score. The sensitivity and specificity based on the ERE were lower in our population. Our data showed that sensitivity and specificity at an ERE cut-off of ≥80% were 36 and 54%, respectively. These thresholds were significantly lower (54 and 81%) than the original study that was used to formulate the estimator.9,11 Finally, the AUROC in our population was 0.49, and logistic regression showed no significant utility of the ERE in predicting reintubation or successful extubation.

In many institutions, a trial of spontaneous breathing with endotracheal CPAP is used to evaluate the readiness for extubation. In the meta-analysis of Teixeira et al.,12 6 studies evaluated intubated infants with spontaneous breathing trials (SBTs) using endotracheal CPAP for 3–5 minutes. Failure was defined as significant desaturations and bradycardia. Although SBTs showed high pooled sensitivity (0.97, 95% CI) to correctly identify neonates as “ready” for successful extubation, pooled specificity was still low at 0.40 at 95% CI. Hence, although SBT in premature infants can accurately predict extubation success, there is still a lack of evidence to support its use as an independent predictor for extubation failure in preterm neonates.12

The RSS is computed as a product of MAP and the FiO2. Oxygen supplementation and mechanical ventilation are essential for the survival of premature infants at the expense of long-term morbidities such as CLD and the need for frequent hospitalizations, especially during the first few years of life.13 RSS has been used to make a decision for extubation in preterm infants. We found lower RSS at 6 hours after birth to predict successful extubation in both univariate and multivariate analysis. Surfactant use, antenatal steroids, and caffeine use did not differ between groups, but these need further evaluation in larger cohorts.

Prolonged mechanical ventilation is associated with severe morbidities in premature infants, and hence, it is essential to limit the duration of invasive mechanical ventilation. Strategies to preserve spontaneous respiration, such as patient-triggered ventilation may reduce the incidence of these complications. The use of respiratory stimulants such as caffeine and weaning modes of respiratory support may help in early extubation. A study by Shi et al. showed that extubating preterm neonates to NIMV from higher ventilator settings may be helpful.14,15 Although not statistically significant, our data suggested that compared to nCPAP, more babies were extubated to NIMV support of ventilation in the low-probability group and remained successfully extubated.

Antenatal steroids decrease the length of stay by enhancing lung maturity and reducing oxygen demand and ventilator dependence. The antenatal administration of steroids may be important as a variable for developing an objective probability estimator. In a systematic review conducted by McGoldrick et al.,16 which included 27 studies from 20 countries (with 11,272 randomized women and 11,925 neonates), continued use of a single course of antenatal corticosteroids reduced the risk of perinatal death, neonatal death, respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), and intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) by enhancing the lung maturity regardless of the resource setting.16 Our sample size was small to explore this correlation or determine the effect of the timing of steroid administration on the success of extubation. Similarly, surfactant use may also be an important variable in predicting the success or failure of extubation in newborns.17 Most infants in our study had received surfactant, and it remains unclear whether this could be deemed a significant factor for successful extubation. Gestational age and weight at extubation may be two important confounding variables that might alter the effect of surfactant use.

The incidence and severity of ROP are inversely related to gestational age and birth weight, and the risk increases with hyperoxia and prolonged ventilation.1820 In our study, the incidence of ROP ≥stage 2 was significantly higher in the reintubation group with a probability score ≥80% category. Similarly, CLD is one of the common sequelae of preterm birth. The incidence of CLD increases with lower gestational age and birth weight. Additional important risk factors include intrauterine growth restriction, sepsis, and prolonged exposure to mechanical ventilation and supplemental oxygen.21 Sucasas Alonso et al.22 studied 202 newborns (mean gestational age 29.5 ± 2.1 weeks); CLD was independently associated with gestational age (p < 0.001; OR = 0.44 with 95% CI = 0.30–0.65) and the need for mechanical ventilation on the first day after birth (p = 0.001; OR = 8.13 with 95% CI = 2.41–27.42).22 Our study showed a similarly increased risk of CLD in neonates with prolonged intubation in the setting of extubation failure and being dependent on mechanical ventilation.

Prolonged mechanical ventilation may increase the length of stay and increase hospital costs associated with it. Russell et al.23 reported that the mean hospital costs for preterm infants with common morbidities of prematurity were 4–7 times higher than their gestational age-equivalent healthy controls. With prolonged intubation, the risk of comorbidities increases exponentially which are potentially associated with increased hospital costs in managing low birth weight babies. In a review study conducted in 2007 prolonged intubation-associated comorbidities were associated with an increase in direct hospital costs by $13,500 with the presence of brain injury, $17,000 with NEC, $31,500 with CLD, and $11,000 with late-onset sepsis.23,24

Gestational age and birth weight are the most important factors for successful extubation. The lower the gestation, the higher the risk of extubation failure. Brix et al.25 showed that a 2-week lower gestational age increased the odds of failure of the INtubation-SURfactant-Extubation (INSURE) procedure by a factor of 1.8. Predictors for INSURE failure were low gestational age and hemoglobin <8.5 mmoL/L. Predictors for mechanical ventilation for >24 hours were as follows: Gestational age, Apgar at 5 minutes <7; oxygen need >50%, CO2 pressure >7 kPa (~53 mm Hg), pH <7.3, lactate >2.5 mmoL/L, need for inotropes, and surfactant administration shortly after birth.25 In our study, lower birth weight and gestational age were important variables to be considered while deciding on extubation. Finally, the AUROC in our population was 0.49, and logistic regression showed no significant utility of the ERE in predicting reintubation or successful extubation.

Available data do not provide clear-cut tools to help clinicians decide to successfully extubate a preterm infant. Limitations of our study were a retrospective design, a relatively small sample size, and being a single-center study. We are aware that the study is not adequately powered and so this should be viewed only as a pilot report. Considering that the total number of cases with successful extubation was 53 while 11 required reintubation, the AUROC of the neonatal ERE score in predicting successful extubation was 0.452. We used the R-Studio package pROC for these estimations.26 The code used in these estimations was the power.roc.test (number of cases in the two groups as 53 and 11, the area under the curve = 0.452, and significance level = 0.05. Using these calculations, the power of the study was only 7.34%. The 2-sided α-error was consistent with these calculations. Having said this, the study showed that the comparisons did no harm, and justified a larger, hypothesis-testing study. All clinicians who provide care to extremely premature infants have battled with difficulties in determining the optimum timing for extubation.


We believe that our pilot study served its purpose. The primary purpose of these studies is to understand (A) the clinical relevance of fundamental questions; (B) feasibility; and (C) the need for specific modifications while designing larger, ensuing hypothesis-testing studies. If the objectives are clearly understood, this exercise can be beneficial.

In our study, extubation based on the ERE tool was safe but not predictive of successful extubation. If we had used clinical judgment for extubation as earlier, most of these infants would have received a trial of extubation in our NICU at probability scores ≤60%. The ERE in our population showed a lower predictive sensitivity and specificity than the cohort in the original study that was used to formulate the estimator. A large multicenter prospective study is needed to develop a more robust and accurate calculator to predict successful extubation in extremely preterm infants.


The authors sincerely thank Sergio Golombek, Professor of Pediatrics and program Director of Neonatal–Perinatal Fellowship Program at State University of New York (SUNY) Downstate Health Sciences University, Brooklyn, New York USA, who provided invaluable support and guidance for our research and writing process.


KB: Conceptualization, methodology, data collection, data analysis, wrote the manuscript.

BT: Data collection, data analysis, and writing of the manuscript.

FS: Conceptualization, data analysis, and writing of the manuscript.

RT: Data collection and writing of the manuscript.

MMG: Data Analysis, review, and revision of the manuscript.

CT: Data analysis, review, and revision of the manuscript.

SR: Conceptualization, data analysis, review, and revision of the manuscript.


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